The early church records were destroyed by fire in 1911 or 1912. Further records were destroyed or lost until 1924, therefore, our information during this period comes from early members of the church as they recall them.
Rev, Robert L. Pearce came to Alice from Rockport, Texas. He was told there were not enough Baptists in Alice Texas to have a church. The Rev. Pearce found Miss Mary Wood, a schoolteacher, who was a devout Baptist, and they found a few more Baptists. A church was organized with eight members. They met upstairs over where the Corner Drug Store is now located on Wright Street. Two lots were purchased on the corner of Main and Adams Street from Mr. F.B. Nayer for $175. Rev. Pearce told a friend in Paris, Texas who was a lumberman, that he needed enough lumber to build a church house.
“All right,” came the reply, “You pay the freight, and I will furnish the lumber for the church house.” He did so as well as for the pews and the pulpit. By now the church had grown to over 40 members. The little church could not afford to pay a preacher but gave what they could. Rev Pearce had a place outside of town, had no children and they raised most of their food. God takes care of His own. By 1902 the LITTLE RED CHURCH HOUSE on Main and Adams was ready for services and the small group moved into their own house of worship. They were given a foot-pedal organ. Members brought songbooks from their homes. By 1907 they had more than 40 members. About this time Pastor Pearce’s brother came with a large family along with several other families. They organized a Ladies Aid Society which quilted quilts to help Buchner Orphans Home. The first Sunbeam Band was formed as well as the Baptist Young Peoples Union, the forerunner of our Training Union. Rev Pearce retired in 1908.
Rev. J. W. Daniel
Rev. J. W. Daniel served as pastor in 1909 but served as designated Missionary to Alice January 1910 through July 1910, and received $133.33 from the Executive Board for services that half year. Rev. Baucom, an associate Missionary, lived in Alice and often filled the pulpit as did other missionaries when Rev. Daniel was not there.
Rev. J. F. Franks
August 1910 Rev. J. F. Franks came to Alice, serving until 1914. He found the church “as sheep without a Pastor” and drew them back into the fold. He also received aid from the State Board and was designated in the Annual as Missionary to Alice First Baptist Church.
Rev. Ely McDonald
Rev. Ely McDonald from Bay City followed Rev. Franks in 1915 and remained about a year.
Rev. D.P. Airhart
In 1916 Rev. D.P. Airhart became pastor and remained until 1917. He taught music and was the author of several song books. After leaving Alice, he wrote his last book of songs, “My Songs”, of which we have a copy. He is written up in “Who’s Who” in Baptist History by the Index Printing Co. Atlanta, Ga.
Rev A. T. Talbert
Rev A. T. Talbert came to Alice as Pastor in 1917 and remained until 1922. During his ministry the church grew, so it moved to the northwest corner of the lots on Adams Street, and a large new building was erected on the corner of Adams and Main, facing west on Adams. It resembled a tabernacle and was called the “Baptist Tabernacle”. It did not have a ceiling for many years. There were no Sunday School rooms but on each side of the entrance, curtains spaced off classes and on each side of the choir loft, were dressing rooms. The first baptistry was under a mesquite tree. Before the baptistry was made, converts were baptized in ground tanks on a farm. When the second house of worship was built, a baptistry was built under the choir loft just back of the pulpit where many of our members were baptized.
Rev. C. H. Webb
Rev. C. H. Webb became our pastor in 1923 and remained until the fall of 1924.
In January of 1924 the church voted to convert the old church building into a home for the pastor and family. Bro Webb and family were the first to occupy this two-story, three bedroom very comfortable home for those days. An interesting story appears in the minutes of March 16, 1924.
A recommendation from Board of Deacons as follows;
“We, the undersigned, recommend-
1. That starting from present date, this church goes on record that hereafter we would not tolerate dancing or card playing for prizes at any time by the members of this church.
2. We recommend further that any member that is heard speaking evil of another member shall know that he or she has, by so doing, thrown themselves out of fellowship and is subject to be disciplined by the church.
3. We further recommend that any member here-in-after guilty of these sins and will not make themselves right with the church, be excluded.
4. We recommend further that all members be asked by the church that if they have a personal grievance against any brother to use God’s word by which to settle the same, and seek reconciliation without delay and thereby not destroy or disturb the fellowship of the church.
5. We recommend that all members consider themselves peacemakers and their brothers’ keepers.
6. We recommend further that we do not go back past this date and bring up any of the past, but serve notice, here and now that we, as a church of Jesus Christ, will not tolerate any of the above sins. Signed by the Board of Deacons and the Church Trustees.”
Above was read at morning and evening services and adopted unanimously. On the following May 7, 1924, some were excluded and others expressed regrets and promised not to indulge again.
Rev. B. S. Franklin
Rev. B. S. Franklin followed Bro Webb in 1924 only to serve until Sept. 1925.
Rev C.W. Pearson
Rev C.W. Pearson came as pastor in Dec.1925, serving through Oct. 1936.
He immediately put on a campaign to get the church building in good shape. During the first year the church membership reached 100. Rev. Pearson then built an educational building. He organized graded Sunday School and then Training Union in 1926. Three deacons were ordained and they then hired a secretary whose salary was not to exceed $25.00 a month and she was responsible for directing the choir. Also the Ladies Aid Society was changed to Woman’s Missionary Union. Mission programs and Bible study was set up. To decrease the debts of the church the ladies cooked and served meals on an oil stove in the kitchen in the newly built educational building for various service clubs. Rev Pearson talked tithing more and more stressing “Tithing is God’s Plan to Finance His Work “ and it worked. In 1935 two more deacons were ordained and the Brotherhood was organized. Rev Pearson led for 11 years in a marvelous way. The church elected a Search Committee to seek a pastor. They had an amusing and embarrassing episode in connection with the meeting of the next pastor, Rev E.J. Gregory. In October 1936, the annual associational meeting was held in Robstown, Texas. Rev. Gregory had been doing mission work in Mexico for some time, but was forced to give it up when the government ordered all religious workers to get out of Mexico, so he came back to San Antonio, Texas. A preacher who wanted to become our next pastor, brought Rev. Gregory to the associational meeting in Robstown. When the two preachers were on the way home from the meeting, they stopped at our church so the hopeful preacher could apply for the pastorship. However, one of the committee members, not knowing the other preacher’s intention, asked Rev. Gregory if he was available for a pastorate. Rev. Gregory stammered a bit and said “well, ah—yes”. The preacher who had stopped by to apply for the pastor job graciously said “Sure, go ahead, I will wait for you.” Have always felt God was leading in the choice of a pastor at that time.
Rev. Gregory
Rev. Gregory served from Oct. 1936 to Jan 1943. Again, tithing as God’s way to do His work was stressed. Good things were happening in Sunday School. Enrollment was up to 309 with average attendance of 219. We purchased lots from the Alice School District for $4,000.00 Aug. 3,1938, on which to build a house of worship at the corner of Second and Adams Streets, which is our present location. Contract price $37,190.00. The corner stone was laid September 10, 1940. We moved into our new building December 1940 with great rejoicing and thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father that He made it possible for us to come from such a humble beginning to our present status in forty years.
Rev. G.B. Billingsley
Rev. G.B. Billingsley served April 1943 to September 1949 He conducted revival services his first month in our church. Stained glass windows were placed throughout the auditorium. To help the Mexican Baptist Church in Alice, we paid $400.00 on the pastor’s home, provided they and the Home Board raise $1,400.00 for this purpose. In September 1949 nine members were ordained as deacons. In May of 1944, at a Mother’s Day celebration, approximately 1,200 attended the morning worship service at 11:00 A.M. Sunday school attendance was reported as 620. A barbeque lunch was served to approximately 900 on the east lawn of the church. May 1948 a mission was organized in the west part of town. We bought a piano and three lots on which to build a house of worship for the mission, but this mission was organized into a church and became the Second Baptist Church of Alice.
Rev Philip McGahey
Rev Philip McGahey served as pastor from January of 1950 – August 1954. In March 1950 a mission of the First Baptist Church of Alice was organized. It was known as the South Cameron Mission.
Dr. O. Byron Richardson
Dr. O. Byron Richardson served as pastor Jan 1955- Feb. 1960 Our church membership
continued to grow. Our Lottie Moon Christmas for Foreign Mission’s offerings was
$3,024,00 this year. The church went forward with the new educational facilities and
the remodeling of our church plant in Oct. 1958 as it was necessary for our growing Sunday
School and more room was certainly necessary in the sanctuary. During this time FBC Alice was very active in the Mission field in the Alice area.
Dr. David E. Mason
Dr. David E. Mason came to serve as pastor in 1960. In 1961 our church budget was $134,461.00. How the Lord has blessed us in these 60 years. In 1962 our church was able to give $22,465.00 to World Missions and $4,200.00 to local missions. Our SS enrollment was 1,564 and Training Union was 550. Our WMU and Brotherhood are carrying on their work in a great way.
*Mrs. James L. Powers assembled and wrote the above in 1962*
Pastor Joe E. Love
Pastor Joe E. Love served FBC Alice August 1962-July 31,1987. Brother Love, Anita and their two children came from Houston Texas after a ten-year pastorate at the Melrose Baptist Church in Houston. With his leadership the church continued to grow. The church promoted active groups of W.M.S, Brotherhood, Y.W.A., G.A., R.A. Sunbeams, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts as well as graded choirs for each age group. Our VBS and Teen-A-Versity set record attendance each year having over 400 young people from years four through teenagers. As the church continued to grow the repayment of money borrowed to build the Educational Building left us debt free. An agreement was made with Jim Wells County to buy the property east of the church and build a parking lot. For its share of the effort and money the church was given a 99 year lease on this lot. The James Hill home site south of the church was purchased for future development. The half block west of the church, which belonged to AISD, was purchased for future expansion. The church sanctuary was completely remodeled in 1985. This and the other mentioned properties were paid for without having to borrow money. In almost all of the 25 years the church led its association in Baptisms. Always mission minded, when the First Mexican Baptist outgrew their church the First Baptist Church helped them build a new plant. Later the FBC Alice began a church at Lake Corpus Christi which is now West Shore Baptist Church. We then entered into an agreement with the Baptist General Convention of Texas, which resulted in calling a full time Missions’ minister and starting 6 new missions. Brother Love actively served on many city boards, on the Coastal Bend Baptist Association, and the Human Welfare Commission of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. He also served three years on the Executive Board of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. Bro. Love was referred to as “Pastor Emeritus”
Bro Charles Childers
Bro Charles Childers served 1988-2007. Bro Charles inherited a healthy church and with his leadership it continued that way. Being a mission minded pastor, and having the opportunity to do so, he rallied our mission ministry. In 1991 the Beam Station Road Mission, in 1992 the Palito Blanco Mission, and in 1994 the El Buen Pastor Mission were started. In 2007 the Orange Grove Baptist Church became a part of FBC Alice. That church is now The Grove and serving independently. In 1997 the church sent Van and Jean Hilliard to Armenia on a missionary trip. In 2007 Bro Charles encouraged James and Shelly Hawn to go to Armenia for 9 months as missionaries and they are still serving there. Bro Charles started a Lay Witness Renewal program creating small groups to encourage members to make or re-new commitments, pray, and share their faith together. Many people were licensed to preach under his leadership. The construction of Beaman Hall was in 1994. In 2007 extensive maintenance was done in the sanctuary. Brother Charles saw the church was properly maintained. He is remembered by the church body as saying “Forward in Faith”
Rev Tommy Ingle, International Interim
Rev Tommy Ingle served 2007-2008 Rev Ingle, happy and fun loving, was referred to as the pastor who held the church together. He was a mission minded person who shared the love of God with whomever he could. He transferred our 1991 Dodge van to Tecolote Mission (Esperanza) as the mission was independent at that time. He supported the Gideon’s movement and encouraged donations to their fund.
Bro Chris Ruwaldt
Bro Chris Ruwaldt served 2009 – 2017 Bro Chris came to FBC Alice at a time our church was feeling the effects of the decline of the Eagle Ford oil production which resulted in oil related businesses moving out of the Alice area causing many families to relocate. Also, as the previous year had not been good for us financially, we had the need to monitor our spending. Under Bro Chris’s leadership we overcame this by prayer, cutting expenses and operating within a budget. We also had a Matched Fall Harvest Offering. We would be given an amount of money from a previous church member if we would match the donation, which we did. By the year 2011 our finances had somewhat recovered. Life Groups, RAs/GAs were reestablished and we were able to give raises, hire a youth minister and a minister of music. In 2013 Bro Chris and the committee updated our By Laws and Procedures Manual. In 2014 he wrote our Statement of Faith. Bro Chris was a teacher as well as a preacher. We all looked forward to Sunday night Bible study which was well attended. We also looked forward to having Christmas at the Ranch each year at Ray Koenning’s ranch and all our church gatherings, where we gave thanks for all the blessings we were continually given. Bro Chris is remembered in so many ways but especially for his wonderful sermons. He often reminded us “God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things”
Alice, basically an oil and farming town, was hit again as the rest of the oil and gas companies in the Alice area started moving out. This did not discourage as we continued going forward in prayer and praise.
Bro Zach Tharp
Bro Zach Tharp served 2017- 2021. Bro Zach, Kimbra and Isla Hope came to FBC Alice from Bangs, Texas. Bro Zach came at a time when the Oil Industry was still suffering. People and businesses were still moving out. Our attendance began to dwindle as did the giving. The church started having prayer service at night, praying for the revival of our church. The prayers worked. The attendance started improving and our Mother’s Day Out program brought several new families into our church. The AWANNA program was implemented and the church began to grow again. In June of 2018 the First Baptist Church, Bangs, Texas sent a bus of youth and helpers to assist us in Vacation Bible School. In winter of 2019 due to a Texas winter storm, a large waterpipe burst inside our building in the nursery area. What an outpouring of compassion was shown by the churches, businesses and people as they came to help us in any way. Alice, Texas is a wonderful place to live! Then COVID19 closed our doors in March 2020. We continued to worship through livestreaming on the internet. Bro Zach bringing us messages from God and inspirational words with Kimbra leading in music and Isla Hope reading scripture. We started church service again the end of March with restrictions. In May, Bro Zach, Kimbra, Isla Hope and precious Glory Grace, now just a few months old, were leaving and going to Midland, Texas. Bro Zach was called to do evangelism work there. Our hearts were heavy but certainly understood.
** The Pastor Search Committee wants to thank The Baptist General Convention of Texas, represented by Bruce McCoy, Director of the Cooperative Program, and Joe Aguilar Jr., our area Representative, and to all the pastors that filled our pulpit during our search.
The show of love is greatly appreciated. **
Pastor Troy Riggs
2/27/2022 Pastor Troy Riggs came to be the pastor at FBC, Alice. Pastor Troy filled the pulpit in December 2021 and agreed to serve again in January even as our attendance was low and he drove from Austin and back each Sunday. The church body was as pleased with Pastor Troy as the Pastor Search Committee. He agreed to serve February as well and in that month the decision was final. He accepted our offer and he was voted in unanimously as our Pastor. Pastor Troy, Kara, their son Caleb (other son David resides in Colorado), and Troy’s parents, David and Diane, have proved to be a blessing to our church. Before Pastor Troy became our pastor, and filling our pulpit needs, there were many times fifteen or less were present for Sunday morning service. This last Sunday, approximately eight months later, we had ninety-three in attendance for our morning service. We have had eleven new families join our church since March. We have added Sunday School classes, our Bible Study every Wednesday evening has grown and activities for the children are in place.
We had VBS in June with 45-50 children attending daily. Pastor Troy is not only sharing and explaining the word of God to the church but to the community as well. The Police Chief asked for a men’s Bible Study and that is now taking place every Thursday evening. We are planning for a Homecoming event in October and a Christmas celebration is on the books. This is all coming into play as Pastor Troy focuses on three purposes: To Serve others, To Share the Great Commission, and To Study the Bible. Pastor Troy is preaching the things we need to hear. He is, and has been, teaching the book of Romans for some time. He has spoken on God’s Promises, Living by Faith, Adversity, Suffering, The Grace of God, and Giving Thanks for the good things when things go wrong. As he discusses these topics, we can apply them to ourselves as we struggle to understand what is happening in our world today. FBC Alice and the community are blessed to have Pastor Troy share, teach, and explain God’s word. We look forward to a bright future under his leadership.